Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Soccer Mom

I am officially a soccer mom. Alex started soccer last week. He's on a team of 4-5 year olds....8 boys and 3 girls. Their uniforms are green & yellow. I think they are calling themselves the green alligators...or crocodiles, lizards...it keeps changing. Sadly we missed the first game (hence no cutie picture of Alex). Games are on Saturday's so look for photos next week. Alex loves playing with the other kids and actually does a good job manuvering the ball and following the number one rule of soccer...."No touching the ball with your hands mom!".

Monday, October 22, 2007

Little boys LOVE Diet Coke

I think I may have created a Diet Coke monster. The other day I was craving a Sonic Diet Coke. As I am in the drive thru line

Alex asks.."Are you getting Diet Coke?"
"Yes, I reply."

He then says "Little boys love Diet Coke (emphasis on the love). Is it bad if we can't walk down the beverage aisle without Alex picking out all the different soda brands that he and his immediate family enjoy...probably so. I do give in more than I should. The other day I gave him his own can of caffeine free Diet Coke and he was in heaven. I think I'll allow him the indulgence for awhile. After all..little boys love Diet Coke...and so do their mommies.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Brian & Miss Emma

Read or blog....

Well, reading has been winning over bloggig the last few weeks. I still haven't finished Snow Flower and the Secret Fan...but I did read two other books.

Can You Keep a Secret by Sophie Kinsella
The Art of Mending by Elizabeth Berg

My "books to read" shelf at home is dwindling which means it's time to hit Half Price Books. Honestly, their $1.00 rack is a goldmine. Has anyone read "Banker to the Poor"? It's by the Novel Peace Prize winner who started lending money to the poor in India and has amost single-handedly changed the lives of thousands. I saw the guy on Oprah...Muhammed somebody. Anyway, it's on my list of books to read. Yikes, time to get a move on the day...

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

One more thing.....

Okay, it was bad enough that I got swept up in the whole blogging thing.....now I am being introduced to the whole book thing! Welcome to the world of Shelfari, where you can list, rate and suggest books ranging from The Little Engine That Could to the Book of Mormon. JUST ONE MORE THING to fill up my overtaxed brain cells. I did manage to post 3 books...2 that are 1/2 read and are calling out to me to finish them. The third, The Hornet's Nest by Jimmy Carter is alluring because it was written by a former President ( and it was only $1.00 at Half Price Books---which BTW is my favorite place to pick up books). I think I may have to choose between blogging and reading. I guess reading blogs is technically reading right? Hmmmmm. Maybe I could blog m-w-f and read t-th. Saturday & Sunday could be a free-for-all. Maybe I should just stop obsessing about it and grab a good book. Snow Flower here I come :)

Monday, October 1, 2007

Just becuase....

My friend Heather recently mentioned that she felt like every blog entry had to be profound...and the more pictures the better. I am here to say...NOT SO! Yes, it's fun to read quirky posts about the many uses of toilet paper rolls ( okay, I made that up) but it's also fun to just ramble on about nothing ( kinda like I am doing now). Anyway, blogging is for me...not for you all ( sorry!) it's something to do while my hubby watches boring TV shows like Journeyman. (for some reason I just can't get excited about that one). So here's to blogging for bloggings sake. Go Heather!!