Sunday, September 30, 2007

Women in the Bible

I attended Time Out for Women last week where Camille Fronk Olson gave a talk on women in the scriptures. She stated that there are 170 women named in the Bible. She spoke of a few----The daughters of Zolofahead (Numbers 27 & 36), the Shunamite(2 Kings 4), Abigail (1 Samuel 25) and midwives Shifrah & Pua (Exodus). I've decided that I want to find the other 165 plus. Anyone want to join me? I especially want to find those that are obscure...although how much more obscure can you get than the daughters on Zolofahead! FYI--I am going to find them by reading and not the easy way via the internet. Should be a long, rewarding journey.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Mailbox bliss

Tonight Alex and I made a mailbox like unto the one from Blue's Clues. Alex sings the song incessantly and so being wise, I thought I would make him a mailbox of his own. It was a true mommy magic of those moments you thought would occur everyday once you became a mom. Blissfully baking bread, doing crafts, frolicking with your kids non-stop. Well, it lasted 10 minutes but it was awesome. Check out our version compared to the real thing. Not bad for a spur-of-the-moment project.

Alex's first day of preschool 9/4/07

His shirt reads "Big Idea Man".

Emma's first birthday 9/2/07

She didn't actually eat the cake but she sure had fun playing with it.

Day Two--The mama brain

Well I am on a roll...two days of blogging in a row. I now remember why I don't blog...I was up till midnight last night mindlessly blogging and surfing other blog sites. That makes for a super fun day since my Alex usually wakes between 6 and 6:30 AM!! Why he had to inherit his father's up-and-atom early morning genes I'll never know. Emma is much more civilized, like her momma, and prefers to wake at the decent hour of 8am. I spoke to my "blog-a-holic" hubby and he promised to help me make my site look spiffy ( pictures, links, lists etc). Right now it's all I can do to get some thoughts down on paper (I guess this really isn't paper is it).Here is today's thought---How do you turn off the mama brain?

I tried goign to bed at 10:40pm last night...only to have the mama brain begin churning at warp speed....will my kids ever eat vegetables, is Alex destined to bite little kids forever, how much milk do I have, clean the pantry, mop the floor, find the spider in the closet
that ran away from me yesterday, how many calories were in those mashed potatoes, did I line up a babysitter for Saturday, is my house clean enough for the YW Pres mtg on Monday, oh yeah---have you done any of the YW paperwork---Stake Standards Night is coming up...and on and on and on. Finally I just got out of bed and said to heck with sleep---and thus Blog post number one and this site were born. See what the mama brain let loose can do! How is it that my hubby can lie back in bed, take a deep breath and be asleep in 2 minutes? What does he know that I don't? Hmmmmm.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Blogging for dummies

Okay, so I've tried blogging before. I usually post about five or six funny little stories and then
forget my password, go into hibernation and swear off blogging. I have however, resolved to turn over a new leaf. This is due mostly to my book club "super cool" friends Kelly & Melanie who's recent blogs have kept me laughing for days. It's almost like watching your favorite TV can't wait to see what will happen next. Maybe my little musings about life will garner the same respect someday. Stay tuned....